I made a few changes at the event where you sell your slave.
Before it was just a kind of place holder.
Now it work in a different way.
When you try to sell your slave, people will approach you and give you a offer that you can either accept or refuse.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Buying and selling slaves
I kinda restarted working on XMaker,
still update will be less frequent that when I started, mostly due to work.
Anyway in the last post you saw a big image whith a lot of slaves.
That was the result of working on the new buy slave view.
Now when buying a slave you can select between one of the three random slaves presented.
I added a new step event which is actually used in the buy slave in slave market event.
<ShopName>Slave market</ShopName>
This is the exerpt of xml that shows the slave market shop.
As you can see it takes a name to show and a list of trainee generators.
At the moment only RandomTraineeGenerator exist which create a random trainee, with all skills to 0.
In future I'd like to add parameters to it, plus other generator that will give a bigger control over the trainee generation.
This will let the creation of different slave shops with different kind of slaves being sold.
I kinda restarted working on XMaker,
still update will be less frequent that when I started, mostly due to work.
Anyway in the last post you saw a big image whith a lot of slaves.
That was the result of working on the new buy slave view.
Now when buying a slave you can select between one of the three random slaves presented.
I added a new step event which is actually used in the buy slave in slave market event.
<ShopName>Slave market</ShopName>
This is the exerpt of xml that shows the slave market shop.
As you can see it takes a name to show and a list of trainee generators.
At the moment only RandomTraineeGenerator exist which create a random trainee, with all skills to 0.
In future I'd like to add parameters to it, plus other generator that will give a bigger control over the trainee generation.
This will let the creation of different slave shops with different kind of slaves being sold.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Still alive
small post in order to show that I'm not dead.
I completed MGS5 and I'm no longer addicted to it, I still have a lot going on at work so before end of month there won't be (probably) any update here.
After that I'll probably still have to work a little on RPGAutoCAT since I have still some item in the backlog.
After that I hope I'll be fully operative.
Anyway, I'm start missing XMaker, I fired it up the other day just to see where I was with development and I'd like to show you a "small" picture.
Hope it doesn't wreak havoc on the blog layout :P
small post in order to show that I'm not dead.
I completed MGS5 and I'm no longer addicted to it, I still have a lot going on at work so before end of month there won't be (probably) any update here.
After that I'll probably still have to work a little on RPGAutoCAT since I have still some item in the backlog.
After that I hope I'll be fully operative.
Anyway, I'm start missing XMaker, I fired it up the other day just to see where I was with development and I'd like to show you a "small" picture.
Hope it doesn't wreak havoc on the blog layout :P
Monday, September 14, 2015
Sorry for the low attendance.
I'm in a procastination crysis right now, caused by a lot of work at my job joined with the bad idea of buying MGS 5 which is an awesome game so far.
I hope to exit this period of self destruction soon, so I can finalize work on RPG AutoCAT and then continue on games.
Also, I found a very nice hentai game that I'm sure you people will enjoy (if you haven't already), it might have a kinda high learn curve at first but after you undertand how it work it's a good game.
It's still in development but the release I played it's pretty stable and funny.
The game is Hentai High School +, the official forum along with the download link can be found here
See you later (hopefully not too much later).
I'm in a procastination crysis right now, caused by a lot of work at my job joined with the bad idea of buying MGS 5 which is an awesome game so far.
I hope to exit this period of self destruction soon, so I can finalize work on RPG AutoCAT and then continue on games.
Also, I found a very nice hentai game that I'm sure you people will enjoy (if you haven't already), it might have a kinda high learn curve at first but after you undertand how it work it's a good game.
It's still in development but the release I played it's pretty stable and funny.
The game is Hentai High School +, the official forum along with the download link can be found here
See you later (hopefully not too much later).
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
And back
Hello there,
I've returned from a vacation in the USA.
What have I learnt about US:
-Lot of homeless people
-Lot of cables on utility poles
-Toilet flush work in a completely different way from here O_O I really didn't expect that
-Lot of huge pickups
-AirBlade everywhere
Anyway, I'm gonna work on RPGAutoCAT for a week or so, after that I'll continue with the clicker game.
I've returned from a vacation in the USA.
What have I learnt about US:
-Lot of homeless people
-Lot of cables on utility poles
-Toilet flush work in a completely different way from here O_O I really didn't expect that
-Lot of huge pickups
-AirBlade everywhere
Anyway, I'm gonna work on RPGAutoCAT for a week or so, after that I'll continue with the clicker game.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Tomorrow, I'm out to USA *patriotic music starts on the background*
I'll be away for 3 weeks so don't expect any post during that period.
*patriotic music slowly fades out*
I'll be away for 3 weeks so don't expect any post during that period.
*patriotic music slowly fades out*
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Mini update
I finished the minotaur images and started the horse one.
No preview this time. You'll see when the game is released!
Unfortunately the horse picture will take some time since I'm giving priority to RPGAutoCAT since there was a few feature request...
I hope to finish them before going in vacation.
Did I said anything about vacation?
I'm going in the USA for three weeks! Starting 3/8
No preview this time. You'll see when the game is released!
Unfortunately the horse picture will take some time since I'm giving priority to RPGAutoCAT since there was a few feature request...
I hope to finish them before going in vacation.
Did I said anything about vacation?
I'm going in the USA for three weeks! Starting 3/8
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
I'm (still) not dead.
I'm working a lot these days (not at game, at real work) and have few time to do other things.
Anyway, I've started to draw the minotaur breeder image.
Here's a preview, I don't think I'll post the complete image though since I'd like you to see it in the game when it's completed.
I'm working a lot these days (not at game, at real work) and have few time to do other things.
Anyway, I've started to draw the minotaur breeder image.
Here's a preview, I don't think I'll post the complete image though since I'd like you to see it in the game when it's completed.
Friday, July 3, 2015
minotaur sketch
Small post today.
As I said there are 4 monster...
Let's start with the minotaur.
I've draw a simple sketch for it, it's just to understand what could it look like and what is its size...
And that's it for today :(
As I said there are 4 monster...
Let's start with the minotaur.
I've draw a simple sketch for it, it's just to understand what could it look like and what is its size...
And that's it for today :(
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
About the interface and the juice
In these days I made some draw about what could be the final interface of the game.
The final one is this:
The interface is pretty basic, the 5 bigger box you see in the middle are for units:
Each unit has its box.
Each unit box contains a list of jobs.
Each job show:
-job icon
-job name
-amount of unit assigned to that job (not shown in the drawing)
-a plus and minus sign (the unemployed job has only a +)
The slave has the same box as the others but no plus/minus sign (maybe a plus I have yet to decide where starting slave will be bought or "generated" by warrior units)
For the rest there are only 2 action you can do (two button on top left)
-Dig (space + gold)
-Hunt (food)
And for each unit you can build its house type. (five buttons on bottom left)
But what's the juice (read H-content)?
My idea is to make a drawing of each unit in each job.
I'm not sure I have the power of doing all that images, so I'll start with the H one and in case continue with the non-H one.
All in all there should be at least 6 H images:
1. goblin breeder
2. horse breeder
3 .minotaur breeder
4. ogre breeder
5. slave
6. pregnant slave
If I get some ideas I could make a draw for each type of pregnant slave...
The drawing will appear when you mouse over a unit in the blank space in the bottom right and will appear on a bigger window when clicked.
Okkey that's all for today.
In these days I made some draw about what could be the final interface of the game.
The final one is this:
The interface is pretty basic, the 5 bigger box you see in the middle are for units:
Each unit has its box.
Each unit box contains a list of jobs.
Each job show:
-job icon
-job name
-amount of unit assigned to that job (not shown in the drawing)
-a plus and minus sign (the unemployed job has only a +)
The slave has the same box as the others but no plus/minus sign (maybe a plus I have yet to decide where starting slave will be bought or "generated" by warrior units)
For the rest there are only 2 action you can do (two button on top left)
-Dig (space + gold)
-Hunt (food)
And for each unit you can build its house type. (five buttons on bottom left)
But what's the juice (read H-content)?
My idea is to make a drawing of each unit in each job.
I'm not sure I have the power of doing all that images, so I'll start with the H one and in case continue with the non-H one.
All in all there should be at least 6 H images:
1. goblin breeder
2. horse breeder
3 .minotaur breeder
4. ogre breeder
5. slave
6. pregnant slave
If I get some ideas I could make a draw for each type of pregnant slave...
The drawing will appear when you mouse over a unit in the blank space in the bottom right and will appear on a bigger window when clicked.
Okkey that's all for today.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Clicker game scope
today we'll see what's are the units/ building etc...
Let's start with units, to keep the scope small I decided to put just 4 unit
The planned units are:
1. goblin
2. warhorse
3. minotaur
4. ogre
Warhorse will have only two jobs:
The rest will have the following jobs:
-digger (+space)
-hunter (+food)
-warrior (-population)
-breeder (+unit)
So, as you can see there's something new here, population...
What's that?
I tought that could be interesting to add and end to the game.
So, in the game you're some kind of demon king or whatever.
What's the job of a demon king?
Conquer the world of course...
So, the objective of the game will be to eliminate every human from earth.
Warrior will do that, they'll kill people, you win when there's nobody on earth anymore.
Anyway after this post I can see I already forgot something:
I have to understand if they normal units as goblin, which jobs (read pregnancy) cannot be assigned by player or I need something different...
We will see...
today we'll see what's are the units/ building etc...
Let's start with units, to keep the scope small I decided to put just 4 unit
The planned units are:
1. goblin
2. warhorse
3. minotaur
4. ogre
Warhorse will have only two jobs:
The rest will have the following jobs:
-digger (+space)
-hunter (+food)
-warrior (-population)
-breeder (+unit)
So, as you can see there's something new here, population...
What's that?
I tought that could be interesting to add and end to the game.
So, in the game you're some kind of demon king or whatever.
What's the job of a demon king?
Conquer the world of course...
So, the objective of the game will be to eliminate every human from earth.
Warrior will do that, they'll kill people, you win when there's nobody on earth anymore.
Anyway after this post I can see I already forgot something:
I have to understand if they normal units as goblin, which jobs (read pregnancy) cannot be assigned by player or I need something different...
We will see...
Friday, June 12, 2015
Clicker game concepts
So, what should be the clicker concepts?
The idea behind the game is pretty basic.
You accumulate resources that can be spent on upgrades/unit that generate more resources.
By looking at the prototype I can see that the main concepts for the game are:
1. Resources (used to buy things)
2. Units (used to create more resources and unit)
3. Building (used to hold units)
4. Jobs
The idea behind the game is pretty basic.
You accumulate resources that can be spent on upgrades/unit that generate more resources.
By looking at the prototype I can see that the main concepts for the game are:
1. Resources (used to buy things)
2. Units (used to create more resources and unit)
3. Building (used to hold units)
4. Jobs
A resource is just a simple number with a given name.
-Resources cannot be negative
-Resource have no upper bounds
-Resource don't produce nor consume other resources.
In the game a unit is a living thing that require food and use a building as a shelter to survive.
-Units consume resources(food) every turn in order to survive.
-You can't create more unit than the space given by the building (as can be seen in the prototype if you have 10 goblin house you can have a max of 10 goblin)
-Unit can have a job assigned. A job consume 0 or more resource in order to create 1 or more resources
A building is used to hold units.
Building are represented by a name and a number.
-Building can't be destroyed.
-Building don't produce nor consume resources they're just a way to hold units.
-A unit can have 0 or 1 job assigned. Thinking about it I'll probably generalize it more and say that a unit must have 1 job assigned. By default a unit has the "Unemployed" job which consumes no resources and produce no resources.
-Jobs consume 0 or more resources per turn in order to produce 1 or more resources per turn.
-Jobs can be changed at any time.
Next time I'll post a list containing the units, resources, etc...
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Clicker game prototype
Ok people,
here's the protoype for the clicker game.
The prototype, as the name implies, it's just a simple test in order to understand how to proceed in creating the game.
Since there's no tutorial or anything I'll give you a little explanation.
You will get a series of action you can do by clicking the buttons:
Dig: generate space and gold
Get food: generate food
Build goblin house: Generate a goblin house (30 space required)
Build stable: Generate a stable (some space required)
Increase prison space: Generate prison space (50 space required)
Add prison cell: Convert 1 prison space to 1 cell
Kidnap girl: Generate 1 slave, consumes 1 prison cell
Hire goblin: Generate 1 goblin, consumes 10 gold and 1 goblin house
Buy stallion: Generate 1 stallion, consumes 50 gold and 1 stable (Note stallion are not useful in the prototype, if you want you can create them but are just a waste of resources. It impregnante slaves and generate more stallion)
Hire goblin miner: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin miner (generates space and gold)
Hire goblin food hunter: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin food hunter (generates food)
Hire goblin breeded: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin breeder (impregnate slaves that generate goblins)
If you see you units disappear it's because food is required for slave, goblin and stallion to live.
Get more food or create more goblin food hunters...
here's the protoype for the clicker game.
The prototype, as the name implies, it's just a simple test in order to understand how to proceed in creating the game.
Since there's no tutorial or anything I'll give you a little explanation.
You will get a series of action you can do by clicking the buttons:
Dig: generate space and gold
Get food: generate food
Build goblin house: Generate a goblin house (30 space required)
Build stable: Generate a stable (some space required)
Increase prison space: Generate prison space (50 space required)
Add prison cell: Convert 1 prison space to 1 cell
Kidnap girl: Generate 1 slave, consumes 1 prison cell
Hire goblin: Generate 1 goblin, consumes 10 gold and 1 goblin house
Buy stallion: Generate 1 stallion, consumes 50 gold and 1 stable (Note stallion are not useful in the prototype, if you want you can create them but are just a waste of resources. It impregnante slaves and generate more stallion)
Hire goblin miner: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin miner (generates space and gold)
Hire goblin food hunter: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin food hunter (generates food)
Hire goblin breeded: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin breeder (impregnate slaves that generate goblins)
If you see you units disappear it's because food is required for slave, goblin and stallion to live.
Get more food or create more goblin food hunters...
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Thoughts about the last experience
Hello at the few that still look at the blog.
WARNING: long and dense post ahead
I decided I'll keep this blog and will not make a new one, I'll change the name in the future if blogger permit it.
Anyway after the last experience I'd like to share a couple of thoughts.
Thought number one: Start small
It's years that I try to make games (hentai and not), XMaker was the first one I publicized with the idea that having some people watching me, would help me keeping committed.
One of the main problem that I have is that I aim too big. This is a common problem that strike software developer (hence why you probably have already seen someone trying doing a game and stopping after a while).
XMaker is not that complex from the programming point of view, but required a lot of content to be written and drawn. At start I thought that I could just have shipped the game with low content and hope to other people to provide more (don't know if you noticed but inside the game folder there's a pdf showing most of the command available for writing the events).
When the project started I actually received a request from a very kind person who offered to write some events, but I refused because I wanted to make sure I shipped something first.
Thought number two: Ship often
I'm not sure this could be something feasible (expecially at the start of a new project), but shipping often should keep people engaged and probably less angry if the game fail.
Most of all it should provide a earlier feedback (hopefully) from the players.
The ship often methodology is often seen in kickstarter project that offer early builds.
Thought number three: Uhm, I thought I had more thought or maybe I simply forgot something...
As I anticipated I'm now working on a clicker game.
The game should have some properties that make it desiderable for me:
1. I like those kind of games
2. It should be fairly simple at least if I keep the scope small. In order to understand this I've started a small prototype to try understand what's easy and what's not. When I understand that, I should be able to start a game with an acceptable scope. (I'll post the prototype in the next days)
3. It require no writing skills (I have just to name things and in case describe them) and a small amount of draw (From what I understood at the moment I could draw an icon for every resource and an image for every unit, but the reality is that it would probably enough to provide art for the things that are hentai related...)
So my plan for the next weeks is:
1. Complete the prototype in order to understand some key point for designing the game.
2. Explain to you the mechanic behind the game, explaining it out loud should help me to understand the requirement for the game better.
3. Draw a simple mockup of the interface in order to visualize what could the final product look like.
4. Start working on the game, trying to ship weekly (probably hard) or biweekly a build. The build might be unplayable or with very limited functionality, the idea behind this is to show a constant progress.
WARNING: long and dense post ahead
I decided I'll keep this blog and will not make a new one, I'll change the name in the future if blogger permit it.
Anyway after the last experience I'd like to share a couple of thoughts.
Thought number one: Start small
It's years that I try to make games (hentai and not), XMaker was the first one I publicized with the idea that having some people watching me, would help me keeping committed.
One of the main problem that I have is that I aim too big. This is a common problem that strike software developer (hence why you probably have already seen someone trying doing a game and stopping after a while).
XMaker is not that complex from the programming point of view, but required a lot of content to be written and drawn. At start I thought that I could just have shipped the game with low content and hope to other people to provide more (don't know if you noticed but inside the game folder there's a pdf showing most of the command available for writing the events).
When the project started I actually received a request from a very kind person who offered to write some events, but I refused because I wanted to make sure I shipped something first.
Thought number two: Ship often
I'm not sure this could be something feasible (expecially at the start of a new project), but shipping often should keep people engaged and probably less angry if the game fail.
Most of all it should provide a earlier feedback (hopefully) from the players.
The ship often methodology is often seen in kickstarter project that offer early builds.
Thought number three: Uhm, I thought I had more thought or maybe I simply forgot something...
As I anticipated I'm now working on a clicker game.
The game should have some properties that make it desiderable for me:
1. I like those kind of games
2. It should be fairly simple at least if I keep the scope small. In order to understand this I've started a small prototype to try understand what's easy and what's not. When I understand that, I should be able to start a game with an acceptable scope. (I'll post the prototype in the next days)
3. It require no writing skills (I have just to name things and in case describe them) and a small amount of draw (From what I understood at the moment I could draw an icon for every resource and an image for every unit, but the reality is that it would probably enough to provide art for the things that are hentai related...)
So my plan for the next weeks is:
1. Complete the prototype in order to understand some key point for designing the game.
2. Explain to you the mechanic behind the game, explaining it out loud should help me to understand the requirement for the game better.
3. Draw a simple mockup of the interface in order to visualize what could the final product look like.
4. Start working on the game, trying to ship weekly (probably hard) or biweekly a build. The build might be unplayable or with very limited functionality, the idea behind this is to show a constant progress.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Good/Bad news
Hello people.
Today I come with good and bad news...
Which one would you like to hear first?
Ok, I'll start with the bad one:
This project is now officialy on hold.
Main reason for this is the lack of my writing and verbal skill, which have two major drawback:
a. Is very painful for me writing events
b. I created only low quality events.
Playing the game right now is really just: Meh!
Maybe it's just me that have high quality standards and get bored easily, I don't know I'll see what are the feedbacks (if any) in the next days.
So, what's the good news?
There are two good news and there's an announcement I'd like to make.
First the two good news:
The first one is that I'm a person that always try to keep my promises (and that's why I don't make them very often :) )
So, here's the preview I promised one month ago:
As I said don't expect much (and unfortunately being a preview comes with no tutorial and bad UI)
The second good news is that I never stop, I'm now working on another game.
I'm investigating incremental games and I'd like to create a hentai one.
Finally, the announcement:
I, as many other, falled for the old trap and created a Patreon campaign. Here's the link:
If you think, after the bad news, that I'm still worth anything consider visiting my patreon page and pledge.
I'm not sure whether I'll continue to post on this blog for next games or create new blogs for them, but if I'll change the blog I'll make sure to post a note here.
Final note:
If you find bugs or crashes in XMaker consider contacting me even if I say the project is on hold, since I don't like to leave buggy code.
There's a bunch of button ingame that let you contact me, feel free to use them since I love feedback and in the future it might be implemented...
Today I come with good and bad news...
Which one would you like to hear first?
Ok, I'll start with the bad one:
This project is now officialy on hold.
Main reason for this is the lack of my writing and verbal skill, which have two major drawback:
a. Is very painful for me writing events
b. I created only low quality events.
Playing the game right now is really just: Meh!
Maybe it's just me that have high quality standards and get bored easily, I don't know I'll see what are the feedbacks (if any) in the next days.
So, what's the good news?
There are two good news and there's an announcement I'd like to make.
First the two good news:
The first one is that I'm a person that always try to keep my promises (and that's why I don't make them very often :) )
So, here's the preview I promised one month ago:
As I said don't expect much (and unfortunately being a preview comes with no tutorial and bad UI)
The second good news is that I never stop, I'm now working on another game.
I'm investigating incremental games and I'd like to create a hentai one.
Finally, the announcement:
I, as many other, falled for the old trap and created a Patreon campaign. Here's the link:
If you think, after the bad news, that I'm still worth anything consider visiting my patreon page and pledge.
I'm not sure whether I'll continue to post on this blog for next games or create new blogs for them, but if I'll change the blog I'll make sure to post a note here.
Final note:
If you find bugs or crashes in XMaker consider contacting me even if I say the project is on hold, since I don't like to leave buggy code.
There's a bunch of button ingame that let you contact me, feel free to use them since I love feedback and in the future it might be implemented...
Friday, May 29, 2015
Ghost from the past
Self Ad Alert:
This post is not related to the game.
Hello, there!
This is an Ad for another software I made.
Since someone emailed me recently asking me to add some feature to it.
I tought to write about it here.
The software might be useful for whoever is translating a JRPG made with RPGMaker
If it's not your case it's not something useful for you.
It's just an UI supposed to help whoever is translating a game using the Habisain RPGtrans 2 format files.
If you're interested you can find the latest download link here:
Along with all the changelogs.
Here a screenshot in order to understand what it's all about
Monday, May 25, 2015
Creampie feature added
Hello, as I said in a previous post I didn't know whether creampie would make it in the preview.
Well, it will.
Currently there are 6 levels of creampie.
In the example below you can see level 4.
Puttin on a dress (slave skirt) that doesn't block the vagina will leave visible the cum
While putting on a dress (slave skirt + thong) that block the vagina will hide the cum
ATM there's no way to remove creampie but next step is to:
1. Wipe everything when taking a bath.
2. Gradually reduce it when week passes by.
3. Lower Clean and Purity stat every week when the slave goes around with a creampie.
Well, it will.
Currently there are 6 levels of creampie.
In the example below you can see level 4.
Puttin on a dress (slave skirt) that doesn't block the vagina will leave visible the cum
While putting on a dress (slave skirt + thong) that block the vagina will hide the cum
ATM there's no way to remove creampie but next step is to:
1. Wipe everything when taking a bath.
2. Gradually reduce it when week passes by.
3. Lower Clean and Purity stat every week when the slave goes around with a creampie.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
GameOver event step
Hello there.
I added the GameOver event step this event step will be used to show the game over screen.
As I already said there are two types of GameOver:
1. Trainee gameover which means the slave just died.
2.Player game over, this type of game over will make use of the GameOver event step.
At the moment there's only one way for the player to game over.
When he has a negative amount of money, the player will have 4 turn to return to a positive amount.
If he can't, it's game over babe!
In future other game over could be implemented.
For example I can foresee an event where the player slip on a carpet and decapitate himself.
Maybe that's too random but there could be some event where the player is killed by monsters or by her trainee.
I added the GameOver event step this event step will be used to show the game over screen.
As I already said there are two types of GameOver:
1. Trainee gameover which means the slave just died.
2.Player game over, this type of game over will make use of the GameOver event step.
At the moment there's only one way for the player to game over.
When he has a negative amount of money, the player will have 4 turn to return to a positive amount.
If he can't, it's game over babe!
In future other game over could be implemented.
For example I can foresee an event where the player slip on a carpet and decapitate himself.
Maybe that's too random but there could be some event where the player is killed by monsters or by her trainee.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Hands, hands, hands, hands.
I hate hands.
I'm no good at drawing them.
You probably noticed in the previous post that something was missing.
You probably told yourself:
"Hmm, there's something wrong in this image."
"What could it be?"
"Maybe she's missing a beard"
Well, no. It wasn't a beard she was missing but hands.
So, finally I decided to do something about it...
Here it is (remember I'm not good at hand so no bashing)
What do you think?
Aren't those hands fantastic?
You must be blind to say so...
Anyway, if you didn't already left the page I'll tell you I'm joking.
The real hands are here down here.
I hate hands.
I'm no good at drawing them.
You probably noticed in the previous post that something was missing.
You probably told yourself:
"Hmm, there's something wrong in this image."
"What could it be?"
"Maybe she's missing a beard"
Well, no. It wasn't a beard she was missing but hands.
So, finally I decided to do something about it...
Here it is (remember I'm not good at hand so no bashing)
Aren't those hands fantastic?
You must be blind to say so...
Anyway, if you didn't already left the page I'll tell you I'm joking.
The real hands are here down here.
Just follow the arrow
A little more
Sorry, the truth there's no hand. I lied...
For today it's all..
What are you doing?
There's nothing down here.
Okay okay, you won.
Here are the hands.
I hope they are acceptable to the general public.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Preview release is coming soon
interesting news today.
I'll probably release a preview release in a month from now (read month as 30 days not at the end of this month).
The preview is needed to understand how much people I'll reach, how much is the feedback in order to evaluate whether to continue, slow down or fasten up development of the game.
So what miss in the preview that the full 1.0 release will have?
-UI: ATM as you can see on the screenshots posted on this blog the UI is really... uhm... coarse. The full release will have a reworked UI with a more "gamish" look.
-Events: There are ~30 events in the preview (excluding one liner event). The full release should have a couple more (and each release will add more). Most notably is missing one that everyone expect in a H game, that is you as the player have sex with the slave. There are though a couple of rape events and some jobs related to sex.
-Creampie (Maybe): As I said in a previous post I'd like to add creampie display in the slave portrait. I actually am not sure whether this will be in the first release or will be already in the preview.
-An intelligient way to reward dresses: In the preview the only way to get different dresses is to unlock the costume store and buy them from there... In the release I'd like to have:
interesting news today.
I'll probably release a preview release in a month from now (read month as 30 days not at the end of this month).
The preview is needed to understand how much people I'll reach, how much is the feedback in order to evaluate whether to continue, slow down or fasten up development of the game.
So what miss in the preview that the full 1.0 release will have?
-UI: ATM as you can see on the screenshots posted on this blog the UI is really... uhm... coarse. The full release will have a reworked UI with a more "gamish" look.
-Events: There are ~30 events in the preview (excluding one liner event). The full release should have a couple more (and each release will add more). Most notably is missing one that everyone expect in a H game, that is you as the player have sex with the slave. There are though a couple of rape events and some jobs related to sex.
-Creampie (Maybe): As I said in a previous post I'd like to add creampie display in the slave portrait. I actually am not sure whether this will be in the first release or will be already in the preview.
-An intelligient way to reward dresses: In the preview the only way to get different dresses is to unlock the costume store and buy them from there... In the release I'd like to have:
- different dress store (one in the slum with sexy dress, one in the city center with more common dresses)
- Unlock dresses by doing some quest/event
-Preconditions on events: In the game it's actually illegal to walk around the city nude, atm nobody in game care, but I'd like to add events in which public places will not accept you into (e.g. you cannot work nude in a bar...) and you might get fines if you go around nude.
Uhm... I think that's it
Monday, May 4, 2015
Bukkake FTW
In this previous post I stated that I wanted to show cum on the trainee portrait.
Well, a basic support for facials has been added.
When someone cum on the trainee face cum will accumulate on her face.
Here some pics:
The first pic shows all the cumshot togheter the other are just some variations.
At the moment cumshot are always added in the same order (This mean you will not see the 3 variations up there) so for example if the cum on the chin is the first one you will always see that appear as the first one.
In the future I'd like to make cumshot appear randomly but that will probably not happen in the first release.
For the first release I'll probably add creampies too (the portrait will show cum dripping from the vagina).
What you will not see in the first release is body cum, that require a lot of works, in fact for each cumshot I have to draw 4 version if it is on the belly and 4-5 if it's on the tits...
Another side note:
I don't like very much solid color cum but I will stick with it (pun intended) because solid colors blend well when I have two cumshot one on top of another.
Well, a basic support for facials has been added.
When someone cum on the trainee face cum will accumulate on her face.
Here some pics:

The first pic shows all the cumshot togheter the other are just some variations.
At the moment cumshot are always added in the same order (This mean you will not see the 3 variations up there) so for example if the cum on the chin is the first one you will always see that appear as the first one.
In the future I'd like to make cumshot appear randomly but that will probably not happen in the first release.
For the first release I'll probably add creampies too (the portrait will show cum dripping from the vagina).
What you will not see in the first release is body cum, that require a lot of works, in fact for each cumshot I have to draw 4 version if it is on the belly and 4-5 if it's on the tits...
Another side note:
I don't like very much solid color cum but I will stick with it (pun intended) because solid colors blend well when I have two cumshot one on top of another.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Redrawn the cock suck expression
Hi as the title implied I made a different cock suck expression as I already stated in a previous post I didn't quite like as it was.
I tried a solid color one:
I'll probably stay with this solid color one since it let me to change the color in the future (let's say I want to add races I might change the color of the cock on the fly to represent the correct race).
And that's it I guess.
I tried a solid color one:
I'll probably stay with this solid color one since it let me to change the color in the future (let's say I want to add races I might change the color of the cock on the fly to represent the correct race).
And that's it I guess.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Added 'WeekEnd' events
Hello there,
so, what are weekend events? (thinking of that the name sounds wrong to me and I'll probably rename to something more like post week events)
Before today the game was something like this.
1. At the start of the week you decide the activity to do.
2. The week play, a series of events decided by you happen.
Well, today I introduced the week end events.
So, again, what's this?
Weekend events are special events that fire every time a week is completed.
You might wonder, what's the use of that?
Well, they will be used for trainee game over and player game over.
For example during the week end event there will be a check:
If slave is unhappy she might runaway. This is a trainee game over.
The meaning of this is that you lose the trainee but you personally haven't lost the game.
Another check might be:
Player lost all his money, he failed as a slave trainer. This is a player game over.
YOU, as a player, LOST.
Other use that will surely not appear at the first release might be repeated production of items.
For example:
Pregnant slave might produce milk, that you might sell or whathever, I don't know I'm just brainstorming shit here.
Anyway at the moment the only gameover I can think of are:
-Slave is very unhappy. She escape or she suicide. Trainee game over
-Player don't have any money left. He understand is not capable of doing this kind of job and return to his previous job, shoveling dung in a farm or whatever.
so, what are weekend events? (thinking of that the name sounds wrong to me and I'll probably rename to something more like post week events)
Before today the game was something like this.
1. At the start of the week you decide the activity to do.
2. The week play, a series of events decided by you happen.
Well, today I introduced the week end events.
So, again, what's this?
Weekend events are special events that fire every time a week is completed.
You might wonder, what's the use of that?
Well, they will be used for trainee game over and player game over.
For example during the week end event there will be a check:
If slave is unhappy she might runaway. This is a trainee game over.
The meaning of this is that you lose the trainee but you personally haven't lost the game.
Another check might be:
Player lost all his money, he failed as a slave trainer. This is a player game over.
YOU, as a player, LOST.
Other use that will surely not appear at the first release might be repeated production of items.
For example:
Pregnant slave might produce milk, that you might sell or whathever, I don't know I'm just brainstorming shit here.
Anyway at the moment the only gameover I can think of are:
-Slave is very unhappy. She escape or she suicide. Trainee game over
-Player don't have any money left. He understand is not capable of doing this kind of job and return to his previous job, shoveling dung in a farm or whatever.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Two new expressions
while writing a (rape) event I noticed there was a lot of sobbing involved.
So I made the sob expression
It just add the two tears on the corner of the eyes.
I added another special expression.
I say special because it's not directly selectable during the event using the <LockExpression> event step but it's automatically chosen when the girl is sucking a cock.
Here it is
I don't like it very much (the cock is too simple and too trasparent, it's hard to see) but it just to give you the idea.
Note that only the mouth change the underling expression is still selectable. That work because expression on the low level are divided in eye expression, brow expression and mouth expression.
For example you can see here the sobbing expression while sucking a cock.
while writing a (rape) event I noticed there was a lot of sobbing involved.
So I made the sob expression
It just add the two tears on the corner of the eyes.
I added another special expression.
I say special because it's not directly selectable during the event using the <LockExpression> event step but it's automatically chosen when the girl is sucking a cock.
Here it is
I don't like it very much (the cock is too simple and too trasparent, it's hard to see) but it just to give you the idea.
Note that only the mouth change the underling expression is still selectable. That work because expression on the low level are divided in eye expression, brow expression and mouth expression.
For example you can see here the sobbing expression while sucking a cock.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Introducing how event are written 4: References
As I said in the previous post, I would make a tutorial for using the references in event creation.
Okay, let's start with two simple events:
<Event Name="work_in_bar">
<SetText>!$trainee worked at the bar.</SetText>
<AddBody>Wear ++ Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddBody>Clean - Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
<Reason>Worked in bar</Reason>
<Amount>[MinimumWage] * 1.2</Amount>
<Event Name="work_in_bar_2">
<SetText>While working at the bar !$trainee fell. OUCHIE!</SetText>
<AddBody>Wear + !$trainee fell down</AddBody>
<AddBody>Wear ++ Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddBody>Clean - Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
<Reason>Worked in bar</Reason>
<Amount>[MinimumWage] * 1.2</Amount>
Both events are about the slave working at the bar, but one event is slightly different from the other.
There's a part that it's identical in the two events, which is the "result" for working at the bar. The result is whathever the slave gained by working there, in this case money, fatigue and dirtiness.
Well, I don't know you but I don't like repetitions...
Well, I don't know you but I don't like repetitions...
Anyway thanks to the cutting edge technology that are event reference we can rewrite the two event like this:
<Event Name="work_in_bar">
<SetText>!$trainee worked at the bar.</SetText>
<Event Name="work_in_bar_2">
<SetText>While working at the bar !$trainee fell. OUCHIE!</SetText>
<AddBody>Wear + !$trainee fell down</AddBody>
<Event Name="default_reward">
<AddBody>Wear ++ Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddBody>Clean - Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
<Reason>Worked in bar</Reason>
<Amount>[MinimumWage] * 1.2</Amount>
So why is this better?
Well, now when I'll addd "work_in_bar_3" I just have to reference the "default_reward" event instead of copying it and pasting as I have done in the first example.
And speaking of copy & paste, look! Have you noticed the mistake I have done?
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
should be
<AddMind>Wear + Worked in bar</AddMind>
Well, in the first example I made the mistake twice since I just copied paste the whole event.
For each copy paste I have now to correct the error. In this case (just a small spelling error) it might be fine. But think about more complex error or text that has been copied 5-6 times, the problem is harder to solve, you will start to miss some place, expecially if the text is copied past on different files.
The reference you have seen is valid only for events whitin the same file. For referencing an event in another file you use this:
for example
That reference is one you will see in the event file since it's an event that strips all the clothes of the slave.
I hope I've explained it in a compresible manner.
See you next tutorial!
Okay, let's start with two simple events:
<Event Name="work_in_bar">
<SetText>!$trainee worked at the bar.</SetText>
<AddBody>Wear ++ Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddBody>Clean - Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
<Reason>Worked in bar</Reason>
<Amount>[MinimumWage] * 1.2</Amount>
<Event Name="work_in_bar_2">
<SetText>While working at the bar !$trainee fell. OUCHIE!</SetText>
<AddBody>Wear + !$trainee fell down</AddBody>
<AddBody>Wear ++ Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddBody>Clean - Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
<Reason>Worked in bar</Reason>
<Amount>[MinimumWage] * 1.2</Amount>
Both events are about the slave working at the bar, but one event is slightly different from the other.
There's a part that it's identical in the two events, which is the "result" for working at the bar. The result is whathever the slave gained by working there, in this case money, fatigue and dirtiness.
Well, I don't know you but I don't like repetitions...
Well, I don't know you but I don't like repetitions...
Anyway thanks to the cutting edge technology that are event reference we can rewrite the two event like this:
<Event Name="work_in_bar">
<SetText>!$trainee worked at the bar.</SetText>
<Event Name="work_in_bar_2">
<SetText>While working at the bar !$trainee fell. OUCHIE!</SetText>
<AddBody>Wear + !$trainee fell down</AddBody>
<Event Name="default_reward">
<AddBody>Wear ++ Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddBody>Clean - Worked in bar</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
<Reason>Worked in bar</Reason>
<Amount>[MinimumWage] * 1.2</Amount>
So why is this better?
Well, now when I'll addd "work_in_bar_3" I just have to reference the "default_reward" event instead of copying it and pasting as I have done in the first example.
And speaking of copy & paste, look! Have you noticed the mistake I have done?
<AddMind>Wear + Workd in bar</AddMind>
should be
<AddMind>Wear + Worked in bar</AddMind>
Well, in the first example I made the mistake twice since I just copied paste the whole event.
For each copy paste I have now to correct the error. In this case (just a small spelling error) it might be fine. But think about more complex error or text that has been copied 5-6 times, the problem is harder to solve, you will start to miss some place, expecially if the text is copied past on different files.
The reference you have seen is valid only for events whitin the same file. For referencing an event in another file you use this:
for example
That reference is one you will see in the event file since it's an event that strips all the clothes of the slave.
I hope I've explained it in a compresible manner.
See you next tutorial!
Friday, April 17, 2015
Validation for event reference
As I already mentioned in this previous post I wanted to add to the event validator a way to validate whether a event reference is valid or not.
What's a event reference?
It's a way to call an event from within another event. (programming metaphore: if an event is a function an event reference is a call to that function)
Anyway, I'll explain that better in a event tutorial.
Anyway, having that check is really useful. In fact there where already 4 bad reference in some older events, that now are fixed.
What's a event reference?
It's a way to call an event from within another event. (programming metaphore: if an event is a function an event reference is a call to that function)
Anyway, I'll explain that better in a event tutorial.
Anyway, having that check is really useful. In fact there where already 4 bad reference in some older events, that now are fixed.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Working on the shop
I'm working on shops, that will be used by the player to buy and sell stuff.
It's probable that in the first release of the game there will only a shop, that will let buy some of the already implemented dresses.
In the future, I tought that some jobs might give you items instead of money that could be used for something or sold in shops (basic example: cutting woods will give you log, you can use them to craft shit or just sell them in a shop)
At the moment shop support only buying but in these days I'll add the sell part.
In the image you can see the test shop.
As you can see is pretty similar to the normal inventory but has an additional column.
For the first release shops will be pretty basics:
I'm working on shops, that will be used by the player to buy and sell stuff.
It's probable that in the first release of the game there will only a shop, that will let buy some of the already implemented dresses.
In the future, I tought that some jobs might give you items instead of money that could be used for something or sold in shops (basic example: cutting woods will give you log, you can use them to craft shit or just sell them in a shop)
At the moment shop support only buying but in these days I'll add the sell part.
In the image you can see the test shop.
As you can see is pretty similar to the normal inventory but has an additional column.
For the first release shops will be pretty basics:
- items don't deplete, you can buy as much as you want (as long you have the money)
- you can buy one item at a time, for dresses it might be fine but if in the future I'll add collectable items, there will be a need to buy items in bulk.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Added EventSteps for item related things
Hello after creating the basic inventory system I had to add a way to interact with it during events.
In particular, who writes events, at the moment need two things in particular:
In particular, who writes events, at the moment need two things in particular:
- Add/Remove items
- Equip/Unequip items
Those action had been traduced to 4 event step:
- AddItem
- RemoveItem
- Equip
- Unequip
In game items are defined using an xml file, for each item there's a creationId. That id is used when you need to create the item itself.
All but the Unequip event step require as input parameter the creationId of an item.
Let's see:
Will add the item defined in the xml with id ChinaDress to the player inventory
Will remove the item from the player inventory, move it to the slave inventory and equip it.
Since the ChinaDress item is equipped on the shirt slot, calling this event step will unequip it (ie. remove it from slave inventory and put it back in player inventory)
And finally:
Will remove the item from the player inventory.
But why the equip doesn't take the item id as parameter?
I find it strange that someone would like to remove exactly a specified item (anyway this is possible using expression).
A more common case (actually the only I had) is that I need to remove all dress or only a couple of them, doing that using item id is practically impossible.
Bonus info:
The current slots for dress are:
- Shirt
- Trousers
- Bra
- Panties
An equippable item can occupy 1 or more slot.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Working on the inventory system
Ahoy, yarrr.
Why the pirate sounds, you might ask.
Well, yes, as you probably was thinking, the reason for that is totally random.
Anyway, I'm now working on a inventory system.
It's not the first time I try to model a item system and I remember that I always struggled to that.
But this time seems to be going in an interesting way.
All thanks a post I've found in some forum were people were talking about how to make a inventory system.
Well, I show you how it's now (it's a bit crude but it's just to show how the interaction goes).
Now, for the technical part. How the Inventory system actually work.
Earlier I said I read the post. That post actually kinda opened my mind.
One of the people told to just make a base class Item and then subclass to make more specialized items.
E.g. Item -> EdibleItem -> Cake
That's was my idea at first, but then someone wrote something like this:
Instead of subclassing you should think an Item as a set of feature.
BOOM. That blow my mind.
Long story short, items in game are substantially just a named container for action you can do with them.
For example the bra we have seen in the images is an Item named bra, which contains an action named Equip. The Equip action when called move the item to the slave inventory and equip it.
This let me attach behaviour to the object freely.
Next thing I'm gonna do is to create some kind of store in the game and add a Sellable action for the items.
Okay, that's to much for one post, so see you next time YAAAARRR
Why the pirate sounds, you might ask.
Well, yes, as you probably was thinking, the reason for that is totally random.
Anyway, I'm now working on a inventory system.
It's not the first time I try to model a item system and I remember that I always struggled to that.
But this time seems to be going in an interesting way.
All thanks a post I've found in some forum were people were talking about how to make a inventory system.
Well, I show you how it's now (it's a bit crude but it's just to show how the interaction goes).
1. The inventory will show both the player and the slave inventory.
2.Clicking on an item will open a context menu which can have 1 or more actions. For example: Equip, Use, Sell... In the example here bra is a dress and so can be equipped.
3. Selecting Equip will move the item to the girl inventory and equip it (as you can see by the subtle white under the top)
Now, for the technical part. How the Inventory system actually work.
Earlier I said I read the post. That post actually kinda opened my mind.
One of the people told to just make a base class Item and then subclass to make more specialized items.
E.g. Item -> EdibleItem -> Cake
That's was my idea at first, but then someone wrote something like this:
Instead of subclassing you should think an Item as a set of feature.
BOOM. That blow my mind.
Long story short, items in game are substantially just a named container for action you can do with them.
For example the bra we have seen in the images is an Item named bra, which contains an action named Equip. The Equip action when called move the item to the slave inventory and equip it.
This let me attach behaviour to the object freely.
Next thing I'm gonna do is to create some kind of store in the game and add a Sellable action for the items.
Okay, that's to much for one post, so see you next time YAAAARRR
Monday, March 30, 2015
Validator for events
in these days I made a great improvement in event creation that should make event creation a little simpler for me and for anyone that in the future might like to try and create one.
I made a validator that can tell you major errors.
What errors can it find at the moment:
It find undefined EventStep for example <SetText> is defined while <SetTxt> or <ABCD> is not. This should prevent mistakes in writing event steps names.
in these days I made a great improvement in event creation that should make event creation a little simpler for me and for anyone that in the future might like to try and create one.
I made a validator that can tell you major errors.
What errors can it find at the moment:
It find undefined EventStep for example <SetText> is defined while <SetTxt> or <ABCD> is not. This should prevent mistakes in writing event steps names.
- It find undefined EventStep for example <SetText> is defined while <SetTxt> or <ABCD> is not. This should prevent mistakes in writing event steps names.
- It tells whether an event step is formed correctly, for example event steps that require attributes or inner elements will fail validation if they're not defined. And will fail too if they have attributes that are not used.
- It tells if a given quest id exist or not.
- Most important it will validate expressions (hopefully if there are not bug on that side :3) for example an expression like [Trainee.Mind.Happiness.VeryHaRpy] will fail since that parameter does not exist, while the correct one [Trainee.Mind.Happiness.VeryHappy] will pass the validation. In part it even check for correct types if an expression require a bool as a return and the expression return a number it will fail validation.
I'd like to add in the future:
- Check whether a <DirectReference> point to a correct file/event
- Check whether a quest is started somewhere or is unused.
- And maybe whehter events themself are used (not sure I could do this at the moment)
- Other that at the moment don't come to mind.
Anyway for every error that find it gives the file and line where the error could be finded.
This should reduce a lot event testing (unfortunately it will never be smart enough to tell grammar error but for that there's the button to report typos)
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Introducing how event are written 3: Expressions and parameters
this time we are going to write another simple events where I'll introduce the expressions and parameters.
Let's say I want to have a more dinamic event (relatively to the previous two we have seen). For example I want that the player need to pay a fee to enter a building.
We are looking for an event written like this:
If player doesn't have enough money
Kick him out
play the main event
To have something like this we need 2 things that we haven't still seen:
this time we are going to write another simple events where I'll introduce the expressions and parameters.
Let's say I want to have a more dinamic event (relatively to the previous two we have seen). For example I want that the player need to pay a fee to enter a building.
We are looking for an event written like this:
If player doesn't have enough money
Kick him out
play the main event
To have something like this we need 2 things that we haven't still seen:
- An if event step
- A way to check player money
So let's start with the former and write a basic event
<SetText>Bouncer: Halt!</SetText>
<SetText>Bouncer: You need to pay the standard fee to enter.</SetText>
<SetText>Bouncer: 50!$$</SetText>
<If Expression="true">
<SetText>!$player: I think I left my money in the other pants.</SetText>
<SetText>The bouncer kick your butt making you fly outside of the place.</SetText>
<SetText>!$player: Here you are sir.</SetText>
<Reason>Expensive place entrance fee</Reason>
<!--The rest of the event here-->
As you can see the If event step is pretty simple. It has a Expression attribute where you write an expression that will be evaluated at runtime.
If the expression return true the event steps inside the If are played otherwise not.
In this case the expression is "true" which, DUN DUN DUN, always evaluate to true.
So in our basic event we always get kicked out.
Another thing to notice is the <End/> event step, which, as its name suggest, will end the event.
Sidenote: At the moment I'm not sure there will ever be an If Else event step because I'm not sure I can achieve a clean way to write it in XML, but anyway an if else behaviour can be simulated using a Switch that has both true and false cases.
Okay, having a bouncer that will always kick your butt, is not that great. So, how can we check player money?
Other than using normal mathematical construct the expression can evaluate information called parameters. Parameters are specified inside [] brackets.
In our case we need the [Money] parameter. This return a number that represent the current player money.
So, knowing this we can now write:
<SetText>Bouncer: Halt!</SetText>
<SetText>Bouncer: You need to pay the standard fee to enter.</SetText>
<SetText>Bouncer: 50!$$</SetText>
<If Expression="[Money] < 50">
<SetText>You only have !$expr{[Money]}</SetText>
<SetText>!$player: I think I left my money in the other pants.</SetText>
<SetText>The bouncer kick your butt making you fly outside of the place.</SetText>
<SetText>!$player: Here you are sir.</SetText>
<Reason>Expensive place entrance fee</Reason>
<!--The rest of the event here-->
We have, unfortunately, to use the < entity instead of < since in XML you can't write the < character blindly.
Anyway as you can see our expression is now [Money] < 50 and so we will enter in that if only if player money are less than 50.
Another interesting thing to notice is that you can use expression in text using !$expr{} writing your expression inside the brackets.
This way we can give feedback on how many money does the player have.
Now our event will work correctly. If we have less than 50$ we will get kicked out, we will enjoy the full event if we have 50 or more.
Sidenote: The expression used by the game are evaluated using NCalc. On their site you can find the documentation, the sintax and some example.
When I'll make the first release the game will contain the documentation where all the available parameters are described.
Okay, that's it for this time.
Bye bye!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Introducing how events are written 2: let's go working!
here's the second lessons on how the events are written.
Today let's see how to put up a simple working event. This way we can see some new event steps.
So, how a slave in a fantasy hentai world could make money?
What did you say? By being an astronaut? Well, thats... unexpected.
Anyway okay.
So we start with something basic:
<Event Name="work_as_astronaut">
<SetTitle>To infinity... and beyond!</SetTitle>
<SetText>!$trainee worked as an astronaut! WIIII!</SetText>
Yeah, very basic...
Anyway here there's already something new.
Have you spotted it?
It's the !$trainee. Okay le'ts start by saying that when you see something that starts with !$ it's called an Alias and inside the game will be replaced with something more meaningfull. For example our !$trainee will be substituted with the name of your slave.
Now, during events your slave stats improve/degrade as a consequence of what she do.
<Event Name="work_as_astronaut">
<SetTitle>To infinity... and beyond!</SetTitle>
<AddBody>Wear +++++ Being in space is tiring</AddBody>
<AddBody>Fitness ----- There's no way to train in space</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear +++++ Being in space is tiring</AddMind>
<AddMind>Happiness +++ Being in space is a wonderful experience</AddMind>
<SetText>!$trainee worked as an astronaut! WIIII!</SetText>
There are 2 kind of stats: body stats and mind stats.
The body stats represent phisical trait of the girl while mind stats represent mental traits.
Anyway <AddBody> is used to modify body stats while <AddMind> is used to modify mind stats.
A stat that is common to both is Wear. The higher it is the more fatigued the girl is, phisically and mentally.
Both <AddMind> and <AddBody> have the same sintax:
<AddMind>Wear(1) ++++(2) Being inbla bla(3)</AddMind>
here's the second lessons on how the events are written.
Today let's see how to put up a simple working event. This way we can see some new event steps.
So, how a slave in a fantasy hentai world could make money?
What did you say? By being an astronaut? Well, thats... unexpected.
Anyway okay.
So we start with something basic:
<Event Name="work_as_astronaut">
<SetTitle>To infinity... and beyond!</SetTitle>
<SetText>!$trainee worked as an astronaut! WIIII!</SetText>
Yeah, very basic...
Anyway here there's already something new.
Have you spotted it?
It's the !$trainee. Okay le'ts start by saying that when you see something that starts with !$ it's called an Alias and inside the game will be replaced with something more meaningfull. For example our !$trainee will be substituted with the name of your slave.
Now, during events your slave stats improve/degrade as a consequence of what she do.
<Event Name="work_as_astronaut">
<SetTitle>To infinity... and beyond!</SetTitle>
<AddBody>Wear +++++ Being in space is tiring</AddBody>
<AddBody>Fitness ----- There's no way to train in space</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear +++++ Being in space is tiring</AddMind>
<AddMind>Happiness +++ Being in space is a wonderful experience</AddMind>
<SetText>!$trainee worked as an astronaut! WIIII!</SetText>
There are 2 kind of stats: body stats and mind stats.
The body stats represent phisical trait of the girl while mind stats represent mental traits.
Anyway <AddBody> is used to modify body stats while <AddMind> is used to modify mind stats.
A stat that is common to both is Wear. The higher it is the more fatigued the girl is, phisically and mentally.
Both <AddMind> and <AddBody> have the same sintax:
<AddMind>Wear(1) ++++(2) Being inbla bla(3)</AddMind>
- The first part is the name of the stat being modified.
- The second part is the amount the stat will be modified. +++++ mean it will increase a lot, using less plus will increase it but less. ----- will decrease the stat a lot and using less minus will still decrease it but less.
- The third part is the reason the stat changed. This will be displayed to the player.
Now let's add another event step.
<Event Name="work_as_astronaut">
<SetTitle>To infinity... and beyond!</SetTitle>
<AddBody>Wear +++++ Being in space is tiring</AddBody>
<AddMind>Wear +++++ Being in space is tiring</AddMind>
<AddMind>Happiness +++ Being in space is a wonderful experience</AddMind>
<Reason>Worked as astronaut</Reason>
<SetText>!$trainee worked as an astronaut! WIIII!</SetText>
Guess, what <AddMoney> do?
Exactly, it make the game crash.
No, I mean it add a given amount to the player money.
The <Amount> is how many money will be added (or removed if it's negative) from the player finance.
The <Reason> is the same as the reason for <AddMind> and it is used to display info to the player.
Now let's fire this bad boy, shall we?
As you can see:
- !$trainee is changed and is now Jeane
- The money are added to player finance as can be seen in the screen.
- You can't see the stats but I assure you they had been added to trainee stats (I would have shown you the stat panel too but currently it doesn't display the reason so let's wait a little)
Okay, hope I have been clear enough.
Monday, March 9, 2015
New dress: cc2
Hello small update here.
There's a new dress ready. It's a simplified version of cc2 top.
For who doesn't know CC2 is a character in the game Hyperdimension Neptunia something something.
Here it is:
Monday, March 2, 2015
Introducing how events are written: Hello world!
NOTE: technical post meant for whoever is interested on how the game events works.
I think I never explained how events for the game are written (other than saying they're written in XML)
So I'll start make some post where I show you some simple event and I'll explain what's it means.
So let's see the programmer basic, the hello world example.
We start by creating a new .xml file and put it in the events directory of the game. We call the f
ile MyFirstEvent.xml
and in the file we write:
<Event Name="hello_world">
<SetText>Hello world</SetText>
What all this mean?
<Events> is our root, all event defined in this file will be inside it.
<Event> is the definition of an Event and must contain in his attribute a Name. Having a name is necessary for the event to be referenced by the game or by other events.
Finally inside the event we have a <SetText>, I already said something about event step. Well this is the most basic one.
When the game see this event step, the given text is displayed to the user and the game will wait until the player click continue to go to the next event step.
Not all the event steps wait for the user input for example the <SetTitle> event step will be executed and will continue immediately to the next event step.
So for example we can do this:
<Event Name="hello_world">
<SetTitle>My first event</SetTitle>
<SetText>Hello world</SetText>
When the event fire the title (the big text on the screen, you can see it in the figure on the bottom) will be setted to My first event and immediately the SetText will be fired setting the event text to hello world.
In order to play the event there's stilll one thing to do. The game doesn't know which event should be playable so you have to tell him.
For that you have to create an activity.
The game work in weeks, every week you decide what to do for the next, then all the event planned are played.
Activities are what the player can do during the week. For example things like: work at bar, rest, take a walk are all valid activities.
For our example we need to create a new activity (at the moment I can't say where you will have to write the activity bit since it'll change in the future.)
The activity is written like this:
<Name>Hello world activity</Name>
Let's see all the bits:
<Name> This is the display name the user will see for that activity.
<Duration> How much in days the event is long. The maximum is 7. Note that things like 0.5 are valid numbers. (But atm all the basic events are 1 days long)
<EventReference> Is what event the activity will play. As you can see it contains a <DirectReference> that is an element you can use inside events too that contain the relative path of the file containing the event and the name of the event.
After adding your activity you will see it in game, you can select it and play it.
The result are shown here:
Note that the screen are going to change and are just for demostrative purpose
I think I never explained how events for the game are written (other than saying they're written in XML)
So I'll start make some post where I show you some simple event and I'll explain what's it means.
So let's see the programmer basic, the hello world example.
We start by creating a new .xml file and put it in the events directory of the game. We call the f
ile MyFirstEvent.xml
and in the file we write:
<Event Name="hello_world">
<SetText>Hello world</SetText>
What all this mean?
<Events> is our root, all event defined in this file will be inside it.
<Event> is the definition of an Event and must contain in his attribute a Name. Having a name is necessary for the event to be referenced by the game or by other events.
Finally inside the event we have a <SetText>, I already said something about event step. Well this is the most basic one.
When the game see this event step, the given text is displayed to the user and the game will wait until the player click continue to go to the next event step.
Not all the event steps wait for the user input for example the <SetTitle> event step will be executed and will continue immediately to the next event step.
So for example we can do this:
<Event Name="hello_world">
<SetTitle>My first event</SetTitle>
<SetText>Hello world</SetText>
When the event fire the title (the big text on the screen, you can see it in the figure on the bottom) will be setted to My first event and immediately the SetText will be fired setting the event text to hello world.
In order to play the event there's stilll one thing to do. The game doesn't know which event should be playable so you have to tell him.
For that you have to create an activity.
The game work in weeks, every week you decide what to do for the next, then all the event planned are played.
Activities are what the player can do during the week. For example things like: work at bar, rest, take a walk are all valid activities.
For our example we need to create a new activity (at the moment I can't say where you will have to write the activity bit since it'll change in the future.)
The activity is written like this:
<Name>Hello world activity</Name>
Let's see all the bits:
<Name> This is the display name the user will see for that activity.
<Duration> How much in days the event is long. The maximum is 7. Note that things like 0.5 are valid numbers. (But atm all the basic events are 1 days long)
<EventReference> Is what event the activity will play. As you can see it contains a <DirectReference> that is an element you can use inside events too that contain the relative path of the file containing the event and the name of the event.
After adding your activity you will see it in game, you can select it and play it.
The result are shown here:
Note that the screen are going to change and are just for demostrative purpose
Saturday, February 28, 2015
To Alcohol Google, the cause of and solution to all of life's problem.
Google seems to have some kind of senile disease where your mood swing uncontrollably.
Anyway they revoked the new policy change (https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/6177281?p=policy_update&rd=1), so there's no need anymore to move the blog.
I doubt google will change is mind again in the near future but if that happen I'll probably stick with this blog anyway and just censor the nude images.
Google seems to have some kind of senile disease where your mood swing uncontrollably.
Anyway they revoked the new policy change (https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/6177281?p=policy_update&rd=1), so there's no need anymore to move the blog.
I doubt google will change is mind again in the near future but if that happen I'll probably stick with this blog anyway and just censor the nude images.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
! Problem !
an issue has come and was pretty much unexpected.
Google (Blogger owner) has decided to stricten its mature content policy.
Near the end of the next month this blog will not be TOS compliant.
So, I'm currently evaluating other places.
I looked upon wordpress but it doesn't allow pornography.
Then I looked upon Tumblr and they allow mature content but I don't like it very much since it's more complex than I need.
Anyway I'll see these days if I can find something better and I'll post the link to the new blog.
Google (Blogger owner) has decided to stricten its mature content policy.
Near the end of the next month this blog will not be TOS compliant.
So, I'm currently evaluating other places.
I looked upon wordpress but it doesn't allow pornography.
Then I looked upon Tumblr and they allow mature content but I don't like it very much since it's more complex than I need.
Anyway I'll see these days if I can find something better and I'll post the link to the new blog.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Feedbacks part 2
Micro update.
As I said in the previous post, now it's possible to send feedback for requesting dresses and for reporting typos.
As I said in the previous post, now it's possible to send feedback for requesting dresses and for reporting typos.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Hi there,
I was looking for a while at the Parse (http://www.parse.com/) it's a nice library that let you do some operations on the internet (save data, analyticts and such). I had already seen that it was pretty simple to use so I decided to give it a try (since it's free! WIIII!).
At the moment I only utilized some of the basic function but it seems pretty nice.
Anyway, I added a way for people to suggest and write events and send them to me, so that, if it's good enough, I can implement it.
Here's how it looks like:
I was looking for a while at the Parse (http://www.parse.com/) it's a nice library that let you do some operations on the internet (save data, analyticts and such). I had already seen that it was pretty simple to use so I decided to give it a try (since it's free! WIIII!).
At the moment I only utilized some of the basic function but it seems pretty nice.
Anyway, I added a way for people to suggest and write events and send them to me, so that, if it's good enough, I can implement it.
Here's how it looks like:
I'll probably add a way to suggest dresses and features and a way to report bugs and typos.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
New event step
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click here to view the post.
Monday, February 16, 2015
New shirt
As the previous post this is another post with a new dress. This time it's a shirt!
And it's the most normal shirt ever. It will probably be the base (with the trousers of the last post) of the barista job that you're trainee will be able to undertake.
Here it is in the normal and full pregnant version:
And it's the most normal shirt ever. It will probably be the base (with the trousers of the last post) of the barista job that you're trainee will be able to undertake.
Here it is in the normal and full pregnant version:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015
New trousers
as you probably have noticed there were no updates these day.
I was lacking motivation (for me writing events is a motivation killer), I still do but sometimes I return working on this project.
You will probably see less updates at least while I'm focusing on events.
Anyway this is an update non event related, a new dress! Yay!
I have made a pair of trousers which have three variations. You can see them here:
There's something bugging me though which is the upper line which is too much curved on the side of the leg. I'll probably modify that in the future but atm it's good as is.
as you probably have noticed there were no updates these day.
I was lacking motivation (for me writing events is a motivation killer), I still do but sometimes I return working on this project.
You will probably see less updates at least while I'm focusing on events.
Anyway this is an update non event related, a new dress! Yay!
I have made a pair of trousers which have three variations. You can see them here:

There's something bugging me though which is the upper line which is too much curved on the side of the leg. I'll probably modify that in the future but atm it's good as is.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
New dress: bath towel
I've been working on a couple of new basic events these days.
In particular the event target a new place that the player can visit, which is a classic in hentai game.
Can you guess?
It's the public bath!
That's the perfect place for an hentai game, everything could happen there.
Anyway, since at the moment the bath is a respectable place I needed a way for the girl to cover herself.
Can you guess again?
I've written in the title?
What if I tell you it was a bluff?
You can see the picture down there?
Fuck! You got me, it's the bath towel!
Here's the pic:
I've been working on a couple of new basic events these days.
In particular the event target a new place that the player can visit, which is a classic in hentai game.
Can you guess?
It's the public bath!
That's the perfect place for an hentai game, everything could happen there.
Anyway, since at the moment the bath is a respectable place I needed a way for the girl to cover herself.
Can you guess again?
I've written in the title?
What if I tell you it was a bluff?
You can see the picture down there?
Fuck! You got me, it's the bath towel!
Here's the pic:
See you next update!
Saturday, January 17, 2015
New fringes
Hello people,
Restarting to work after vacation was a hit for me and made me slow down on the game.
Actually during this period I made some progress on some events but since I don't know what to write about events I just don't post about it.
Anyway, today I made some 3 new fringes. Here they are:
I'm not sure about the third one, it seems it has too much lines and maybe I'll change it or remove altogether.
Restarting to work after vacation was a hit for me and made me slow down on the game.
Actually during this period I made some progress on some events but since I don't know what to write about events I just don't post about it.
Anyway, today I made some 3 new fringes. Here they are:

I'm not sure about the third one, it seems it has too much lines and maybe I'll change it or remove altogether.
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