Friday, June 12, 2015

Clicker game concepts

So, what should be the clicker concepts?

The idea behind the game is pretty basic.

You accumulate resources that can be spent on upgrades/unit that generate more resources.

By looking at the prototype I can see that the main concepts for the game are:
1. Resources (used to buy things)
2. Units (used to create more resources and unit)
3. Building (used to hold units)
4. Jobs


A resource is just a simple number with a given name.
-Resources cannot be negative
-Resource have no upper bounds
-Resource don't produce nor consume other resources.


In the game a unit is a living thing that require food and use a building as a shelter to survive.
-Units consume resources(food) every turn in order to survive.
-You can't create more unit than the space given by the building (as can be seen in the prototype if you have 10 goblin house you can have a max of 10 goblin)
-Unit can have a job assigned. A job consume 0 or more resource in order to create 1 or more resources


A building is used to hold units.
Building are represented by a name and a number.
-Building can't be destroyed.
-Building don't produce nor consume resources they're just a way to hold units.


-A unit can have 0 or 1 job assigned. Thinking about it I'll probably generalize it more and say that a unit must have 1 job assigned. By default a unit has the "Unemployed" job which consumes no resources and produce no resources.
-Jobs consume 0 or more resources per turn in order to produce 1 or more resources per turn.
-Jobs can be changed at any time.

Next time I'll post a list containing the units, resources, etc...

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