I'm Nixon28 (the one from hentay foundry btw) and I decided to open this blog spot (that I hopefully will not abandon in less than a week) because It's been a while I'm working on a project of mine. It's a game similar to one of the hentai classics: slavemaker. I will refere to this project by the current project name which is XMaker while the game name is still TBD.
So, you probably wonder what's this game is all about.
For whoever already played Slavemaker the basic gameplay is pretty much the same:
1.Select what the slave will do during the week.
2.Make her do it.
3. ???
4. Profit!
So, what's the current features?
-Random slaves: Slaves are generated randomly and can be seen in game. Things like hairs, boob size, eyes etc will be randomized.

-Pregnancy support: The girl can get pregnant, and her belly will increase gradually (there are 3 different stages of bellies) this is the last one:
-The events can be created by the users, I'll provide the required documentation to create new events. The events are created using XML.
And that's it, for the current most noteable features. Not much, uh? But still it's a start right?
Anyway if anyone is interested and would like to contribute, I'm pretty scarce in the storytelling front, so it would be nice to have someone to give me ideas about what event could happen (not necessarely sexual).
If you have questions on the game, please leave a comment!
Fuck, the text moved, I hate WYSIWYG