Thursday, July 7, 2016

Finally the weekend arrive

Hi folks,

finally I added hooks for the events.
The hook are fired when a week start or end and when an activity start or end.

What's the idea behind this?

Well, mostly it's needed to do some common checks on the state of the game for example, during the week end (which was actually the only hook already implemented) I check for game over conditions.
The next step will be to add a way to check the current activity data, this will open a world of new opportunity (just exaggerating).
For example, once you know that an activity is done in a public place, before the activity start, I could check whether the slave is nude (public display is against the law in the game) and if so a random event might trigger, were the guard give you a fine or take you to the prison (and you know what will happen in prison to your slave right?)

Anyway that's it for now.

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