Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Selling slaves

I made a few changes at the event where you sell your slave.

Before it was just a kind of place holder.

Now it work in a different way.

When you try to sell your slave, people will approach you and give you a offer that you can either accept or refuse.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Buying and selling slaves


I kinda restarted working on XMaker,
still update will be less frequent that when I started, mostly due to work.

Anyway in the last post you saw a big image whith a lot of slaves.
That was the result of working on the new buy slave view.

Now when buying a slave you can select between one of the three random slaves presented.
I added a new step event which is actually used in the buy slave in slave market event.

      <ShopName>Slave market</ShopName>

This is the exerpt of xml that shows the slave market shop.
As you can see it takes a name to show and a list of trainee generators.
At the moment only RandomTraineeGenerator exist which create a random trainee, with all skills to 0.

In future I'd like to add parameters to it, plus other generator that will give a bigger control over the trainee generation.

This will let the creation of different slave shops with different kind of slaves being sold.