Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Basic equipment manager

Hello there,

today I improved how dresses are loaded and now the game takes the data used for the dress all from xml files, making them moddable.

This was useful because I created the page used to dress up the trainee.
What the hell is the trainee? The trainee is the name used to refer to the "slave" inside the code and in the events xml.
Anyway I will need to add a section to the mod documentation to describe the procedure to add clothes but atm I'll leave it out since I'm not sure I'll find a lot of people willing to do that.

Here's the page:

Note that when I said I created the page I'm not really referring abount the graphics, that's something that can wait until before release but just that I created the basic logic behind it.

#region For technician only
MS WPF make it really easy to change the graphics later since there's no logic whatsover inside the view. If you never used it you should because is a really good framework.

And now that I think of it this is the first time I show you a screen of the whole application.
Note that the right section of the screen is actually a part that is visible from every page of the game and not only the equipment so it doesn't count when I said I created the logic for the equip page :)

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